Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Egyptian night on the cruise

The second night on the cruise was Egyptian night and people dressed up. I dressed up as Cleopatra. I had a head dress and a skirt I bought from Edfu. See, now I know there was a purpose going to the temples!! It was so much fun. We also bought raffle tickets during the day and the prizes were drawn at the party.

I won two prizes, a jewelry box and an Egyptian outfit for a man. To claim the prize, each person had to do a dance so that was fun. I did the "dance like an Egyptian". Tom and I made a deal that if he won something and had to dance then I would join him and we'd do the jitterbug. Would you believe he won a gold pendant!! We danced to the cheer of everyone at the party while Aakash laughed his head off!

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