Saturday, November 15, 2008

Community Service- Indira Ganhdi School

This is another school I sponsor. Indira Ganhdi School is a refugee school for the kids from the war torn region of Sri Lanka. Many of these kids have lost one or both of their parents and they are sent to this boarding school to get away from the war. When I started the work with this school, most of the kids don't have shoes! I started a fund raising and provisions drive to get people to donate money, shoes, clothes...etc. We ended up with enough money to buy all 234 kids new slippers, backpacks, school supplies, tennis shoes and clothes...etc. Here you can see the kids with their new backpacks, uniform and shoes!

I brought a team of folks from Cisco and Emily on November 14 to celebrate Children's day with them. They put up a lovely performance, recited poems and I delivered a speech about shoes and dreams. Basically I told them to think about shoes as a symbolic thing. I want each of them to have a dream about getting good jobs (wearing different kinds of shoes) when they grow up and encourage them to stay in school and study hard. Emily approved of the speech.

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