Thursday, October 23, 2008


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Derek's basketball photos

This is Derek's JV basketball team at Avon.
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Charity work

These are kids from the Indira Ganhdi International School. It's a school providing education and shelter for the refugees (from Sri Lanka). Many of the children have lost one or both of the parents. Most are learning Hindi and English. When I saw this photo, my heart just went out to the kids - they are in their best donated clothing and they don't even have shoes. The school is also in a really bad condition. So at work I launched a fund raise campaign to raise money for 230 pairs of shoes, school supplies and backpacks. Many people are also donating clothing and other things. We are going to the school on November 14 (on children's day) to give all the goodies. I can't wait!
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Cisco Event

Posing with the organizers of the event and Laura.
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Cisco Event

Kicking off the Women Action Network and Green event welcoming Laura Ipsen.
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Cisco Event

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Cisco events

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Emily's sleepovers

Emily loves to invite friends for sleepovers. Her favorite combo pack is: Chandra, Vicky, and Anisha. Here we are just starting a game of pictionary.
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Cisco Kids

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Parties at home

We really enjoy welcoming new Cisco families into the neighborhood. Here we have Max's grand parents from the Netherlands, Chandra's family whose new to Epsilon, TS Khurana's family (they just welcomed a new baby Anand), Jignasha's family who just arrived in Bangalore on the day of the party, Annella who just came back from a trip to Cuba, USA, Manila, Bangkok and God knows where and Karyn who came back from a Cruise through the Greek islands. Plus the Ingrams who have become such good friends and colleagues!
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Cisco Kids

Here's a picture at the Annual birthday celebration at Palm Meadow. Here's Emily just getting out of the pool with other Cisco kids (Chandra, Shaan and Sam).
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Dog's Day

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Dog's Day

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Dogs Day

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Dog's day

Emily and I like to take our two dogs (Dee Dee, age 4 is a golden retriever and Kodi, who's almost 1 is a Cavachon (Cavalier King Charles mixed with Bichon Frise)), for walks at the entrance of Epsilon Villa. There's a great big open space. We'd bring a picnic blanket, some throw toys and some water. A good way to spend a perfect afternoon with the dogs!Posted by Picasa

Beijing Trip 2008

At the Confucius Temple with Daniel's family.Posted by Picasa

Birthday in Beijing

With Etoille, Derek, Danesh and Ivar on my birthday.
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Rupert the pig

Rupert was suppose to be a miniature pig but he just kept growing and growing!!
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Birthday in Beijing

We had three groups of friends - Derek's group of teenagers, Emily's group of tweens and little kids and my friends. It was a nice way to celebrate my birthday. Thanks to the Smulders for hosting at their home in Lemond Lakes.
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Brithday in Beijing

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Birthday in Beijing

It was really special to celebrate my birthday in Beijing. Noelle hosted the party and bothDerek and Emily invited their friends to join as well. I had two cakes, two kids and a room full of friends. Who could ask for anything more?!
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Beijing Megastructure

The Summer Palace
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Beijing Megastructure

The Forbidden City
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Beijing Megastructure

The Great Wall
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Beijing Megastructure

This is the CCTV Tower on the third ring road.
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