Tuesday, January 02, 2007

On our way to the beach on the last day at Sanya. Bill and Emily went jetskiing and had a grand time. Emily was not afraid of speed at all! Luckily an attendant went along with them - I remember the last time we went jetskiing in Jamaica, the jetski flip over in deep water and it was really scary. I took so many pictures of Emily who also went horseback riding with Theresa, the new friend she made on the beach. Posted by Picasa
Emily loves daddy - turns a frown into a smile :-) Posted by Picasa
How to live happily separately and divorced? Tips:
1. Prepare and subsidize his taxes
2. Help him buy an investment property
3. Manage his rental property - prepay everything so he is not troubled.
4. Help with rental renewals and manage relationship with rentors
5. Remember his family's birthdays (and remind him)
6. Send pictures of children to him when sending them to the grandparents
7. Schedule and subsidize annual family vacations
8. Help him find a job
9. Don't give him any stress
10. Tell him he deserves the best but it's not you.
Peace on earth and everyone is happy. Honestly we get along much better after the divorce - pressure is off from both sides and we have enjoyed so many vacations together. We look forward to meet up somewhere, relax and see new things with the kids and say goodbye after a few days. If things are tense we each try to bite our tongues and let it pass. Afterall, how bad can it be? Posted by Picasa
The funniest thing - a Chinese street performer making fun of Candace. She gave some money to him and he ended up putting her on stage and had some fun with her and everyone else. It was great fun and the girls laughed their heads off. Posted by Picasa
Emily holding Candace holding Lisa the Leopard. We had a great meal with Candace and her mom Veronica at the Taipei Macaroni Grill and walked around looking for Derek's shoes and more toys! Great to spend time with our new friends and the girls were so happy to each have a toy to hold. We also saw lots of dogs at a dog carnival. Posted by Picasa
A visit with granduncle and aunt in Taiwan. Grand uncle prepared lots of seafood and noodles. At the end he also brought out sashimi which the kids loved. We looked through old pictures of Derek and his great grandmother on my side during his last visit which was 11 years ago! Posted by Picasa
Christmas Eve dinner with grandparents and great grand mother in Hong Kong. Posted by Picasa
With Joshua - one of Derek's best friends from Hong Kong. He came to Beijing to visit. Posted by Picasa
Happy grandma. Posted by Picasa
Christmas 2004 with grandma. Posted by Picasa
Sam, Tim and Stephanie. The girls have grown so much and it was always so great to see the girl mature every year. Posted by Picasa
With Tim, Eileen and mom for Xmas dinner 2005. Posted by Picasa
With Cousin William in VA. We went to Luray Cavern and the New Airplane museum in Va. Posted by Picasa
Treasure these moments when everyone is healthy and happy. Posted by Picasa
At age 10 Derek is already taller than grandma. Enjoying a day at the park skateboarding, and ball throwing. Posted by Picasa
Cool grandma trying the skateboard for the first time at Algonkian Park! Posted by Picasa
Second study group: Mark, JP, Claud, Pramod, Jerry and Mike. Posted by Picasa
My first study group at Stanford. Ahmed, Pete, David, Mike, Dennis, Jean Pierre and Hans. We studied together everyday from 7:45pm-10pm and also partied together. All said and done, we did over 40 cases together. Posted by Picasa
All dressed up and no place to go.. Posted by Picasa
TVB Pearl Tower in Shanghai - visit with Matthew and Benji. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 01, 2007

Go carting was Derek and Emily's favorite activity until Derek got his moped. Posted by Picasa
Looking out of the cable car at Ocean Park. This must be one of the most picturesque cable car rides in the world. We always enjoy going to Ocean Park. Posted by Picasa
Derek won a stuff animal for Emily at Ocean Park. From age 1.5 to 9, Derek spent many weekends at Ocean Park. Posted by Picasa
Emily at her dad's apartment at Braemer Terrace. Pink armpit hair - hmmm, what is she thinking? Posted by Picasa
With grandparents in Hong Kong. March 2005 Posted by Picasa